Lunar Tides Mrk

We are creators..

That's What Lunar Tides Marketing Is All About. We can build strategies that make a big difference.

Our services

We do simple, useful and beautiful solutions.


  • Comprehensive plans tailored to your business goals.
  • Focus on increasing online visibility, engagement, and conversions.
  • Includes SEO, SEM, social media marketing, content marketing, and email campaigns.
  • Web Design

  • Custom website design and development tailored to your business needs.
  • Responsive, user-friendly designs that enhance user experience.
  • Integration of essential features like e-commerce, contact forms, and content management systems.
  • Branding

  • Development of a strong brand identity, including logos, color schemes, and brand guidelines.
  • Creation of visually appealing marketing materials like brochures, banners, and business cards.
  • Focus on consistency and professionalism across all brand touchpoints.
  • Design

    Our creators focus on aesthetics, color schemes, typography, and overall visual harmony bringing art to life.

    Web Development

    We got you covered in all basis from
    Front-End, Back-End, Full Stack Development or Content Management Systems

    Concept Development

    Our Team will generate ideas based on client goals, market research, and user needs. This stage involves creative thinking to outline potential directions for the project.



    Needed a completely new fresh branding to match their new personality


    Required a completely refreshed branding to align with their new identity.


    Had to get completely revamped to fit their new character.


    Desired an entirely new brand identity to reflect their updated persona.


    Our values

    • Prioritize the needs and goals of clients.
    • Provide personalized solutions tailored to each client’s unique challenges.
    • Stay ahead of industry trends and continually seek creative solutions.
    • Encourage a culture of experimentation and forward-thinking.
    • Foster a team-oriented environment where ideas are shared openly.
    • Partner with clients to achieve mutual success. 
    • Treat clients, colleagues, and partners with dignity and respect.
    • Value diversity and promote an inclusive work environment.
    • Maintain honesty and transparency in all dealings.
    • Build trust by delivering on promises and being accountable for all thing promised.
    • Implement eco-friendly practices and support sustainable initiatives.
    • Promote responsible marketing that considers long-term impacts.

    Lunar Tides Mrk. Focuses on leveraging online platforms and digital technologies to help businesses achieve their marketing and business objectives. Here are the primary areas

    In today’s rapidly evolving media landscape, the importance of a cutting-edge digital agency like Lunar Tides cannot be overstated. Lunar Tides stands out by providing innovative and tailored digital marketing solutions that help businesses not only keep pace but stay ahead. 

    From mastering the intricacies of SEO to crafting compelling content and managing impactful social media campaigns, Lunar Tides ensures that brands are visible, engaging, and effective in reaching their target audiences. 

    Their expertise in leveraging data analytics and staying attuned to the latest digital trends makes them an invaluable partner in a world where digital presence is synonymous with business success. For any company looking to make a significant impact in today’s media environment, Lunar Tides is the go-to digital agency.

    Michael D. Wilson - CEO of New City


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